Sunday, June 26, 2016

Friends and family,

I just want to thank you for keeping up with us this last week while in Bogotá and for your prayers.  They were felt!  At the start of the week, the group was reminded that we were there to serve and not to be served, and they took this message and lived it out.  Although they were tired and the work was sometimes hard in a variety of ways, this group rose to the occasion and did not complain once.  Here are a few ways in which they served and blessed others in our group and in the ministries we visited:

Sophie Thompson- Sophie is incredibly creative and used this gift to serve others and God this week. She designed our team tee shirts for the trip and came up fun crafts that the children loved.

Brooke Wadsworth- Brooke is an incredible servant.  If she hears of a need, she is there to help without a second thought.  From helping to make last-minute purchases for the trip to helping cook for our guests, she is always there with a smile on her face.  She has a special way of knowing and remembering the children with whom she interacts, and loves others well.

Shannon Baden- What a heart Shannon has for connecting with people from other cultures.  Each morning, she would bring our bus driver something to eat and leave a note for him if he wasn't there.  She is eager to use her Spanish to relate to and love the people of Colombia.

Kaitie McCollum- Having lived in Bogotá for five years, Kaitie was invaluable to our mission.  She easily led the others in service and maintained an upbeat attitude even when it was hard.  Kaitie helped us prepare our hearts for the most difficult ministries, and she truly sets an example for others as a godly young woman.

Rachel Solsman- Rachel continually led the children in music excitement and a smile on her face.  Her love of music was contagious, and the children with whom we worked responded to her with joy.

Stephanie Druid- Stephanie was a steady friend to all on our team.  Her sweet and gentle nature was a blessing to the children we served, and we will miss the hugs she greeted us with each morning.  Stephanie's trust in God is to be admired.

Melissa McCollum- The child whisperer.  Melissa has a great gift of dealing with children, especially some of the more "enthusiastic" children.  Her knowledge of Bogotá combined with her passion and ease in connecting with children made her an invaluable part of our team.

Jeremy Solsman- No task (or suitcase) too large for Jeremy.  Lugging large suitcases back and forth to ministries and up and down narrow staircases is no small feat, and Jeremy was ready and willing to help always.  He was a huge blessing to our team and the children with whom we worked responded always to his warm smile and peaceful nature.

Samuel Woody- As the youngest on the team this year and the least familiar with Spanish, Samuel bravely reached out to the children we served and the older kids on the team.  He even picked up some key phrases, and when he couldn't remember the words he needed, he would amusingly say the words in English with a Spanish accent.

Cal Anderson- Cal probably moved the most of anyone on the team as he was constantly running with children.  Perhaps most impressively, while visiting Bogotá's Gold museum, he saw one of the children with his hand on the fire alarm and sprinted across a large room, swooping up the would-be  "alarmist" just in the nick of time.

Michael Dix- It was as if the children would just come to Michael.  They were fascinated by his 6'4 stature and his gentle nature.  One favorite moment of the trip was in the special needs orphanage we visited.  Michael was holding a baby who was so disfigured, it was hard to look at him.  With a smile on his face, Michael gazed at the baby and said, "He is so beautiful".  Seeing a child through the eyes of God. Incredible.

Taylor Thiessen- Taylor loves children and has an easy way with them.  He literally carried a small girl for what must have been hours as we roamed a mountain top, picnicked in a nearby park and visited two museums.  He loves the Lord and is truly a joy to serve with.

Sarah Nissly- Seeing needs and attending to them is Sarah's wonderful gift to our ministry.  She was a quiet servant who never once complained, and I am so thankful for her steady faithfulness throughout the week.  An incredible young lady.

Pat & Ken Kuehne- What an amazing couple.  Pat and Ken naturally loved each child with whom they interacted with God's love.  With her encouraging words and hugs, Pat can brighten your day in an instant.  Ken was like our father for the week with his easy laugh, his protection over the group and his willingness to help wherever needed.  The Kuehne's set such an amazing example for each of us, and love unconditionally.  We are so very thankful for them.

Finally, I would like to thank our Lord and savior Jesus Christ for allowing us this incredible opportunity to serve in His name.  His presence and protection were felt at every moment.

Thank you again for your support and prayers.  Until the next trip- ¡Que el señor les bendiga!

-Chelsea Woody